外傭居港權案黑手 + 浪費65億公帑, 全港市民聲討公民黨大遊行!






親子王國  公民黨之政績回顧 (詳盡紀錄滿口仁義的攻民黨多年來為香港人做過什麼)

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30 Responses to 外傭居港權案黑手 + 浪費65億公帑, 全港市民聲討公民黨大遊行!

  1. Benny Chan says:

    Fucking FUCK UP PARTY!!!! GO TO HELL and BURN for eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. pat wong says:

    keep up your good job!!! cheer!!

  3. Hiro Taiki says:


  4. roy says:


    公民袋全體都唔該快滾 !

  5. Rose says:


  6. 伸張正義 says:

    有D人成日話我地要尊重法治, 但係現在有班人正是利用法例漏洞去破壞香港. 我們一定要上街話俾佢地知. 香港人真的憤怒了

  7. 清君側,靖內難 says:


  8. johnso56 says:


  9. anguswlp says:


  10. Mr L says:

    I will join! Fight for justic! Request ICAC must inspect this case.

  11. Judy Leung says:

    I was born and raised in Hong Kong. Although I am now in the United States, I have been very concern on this matter. I oppose the idea of granting residency to foreign workers in Hong Kong. I would join the protest on October 9th only if I could leave my work at the states. One year ago, the Philippines government did not work her best to save the life of Hong Kongers. One year later, we are granting residency to foreign workers, which is going to effect every similar court case from now on. The judge could be bias, and decision could be made unfairly. More jurors should be involve in this court case to make a decision as well. If the judge is incapable to think logically in this court case, does that mean that the lives of Hong Kongers will be affected by one person’s decision? In my opinion, it would be more fair if more jurors were to make a decision.

  12. Azxcs says:


  13. Kevin AU says:

    Obviously, the Temporary Legislative Council has amended the immigration regulation in 1997 during the handover of Hongkong, trying to explain, not to expand, Sec 24 of the Basic Law. So that the Judge overrules the above regulation, but the directior of ISD remains his duty to examine the apply for migration by the foreign domestic helpers. The TLC’s act has resulted in a verdict of the explanation about what the meaning of “holding a residence” is after challenge raised to the appeal court.

  14. Jacky says:

    ***** 修改 *****

    全 港 總 動 員 ,

    外 傭 居 港 權 案 黑 手 + 浪 費 6 5 億 公 帑 ,

    全 港 市 民 聲 討 公 民 黨 大 遊 行

    發 起 人 :愛 護 香 港 力 量 ( 網 民 自 發 組 織 )

    時 間 :下 午 2 時 ,2 0 1 1 年 1 0 月 9 日

    地 點 :北 角 英 皇 道 遊 樂 場 集 合 – 北 角 地 鐵 B1 出 口

  15. 伸張正義 says:


  16. Philip says:

    工民袋 sold HKers, go back to Philippines with ALL your helpers there. No place for your party in HK. And you will never get my family’s votes forever, And I will try the best as I can to persuade my friends to vote against you. Other parties who support the philippines will see this time we really angry, just wait for your hopeless ends.

  17. buythecow says:


    • chkp says:

      要知我們 愛護香港力量 只曾於8月21日舉辦了一次遊行,其間雖有一批社民連廢青到場攪事,但出席愛港力遊行的市民絲毫不因呢班賤青生事而作出任何「激進」或違法的事情! 不知仁兄是否攪錯左,以為香港市民參與遊行活動,就等同社民連,人渣力量等廢青及黑社會的所謂「遊行」呢!?

      如果遊行是「激進行為」,想必仁兄絕不會認同飯民主派,陰間人權陣線等政黨或團體組織了! 因為牠們差不多每個星期都有遊行活動,不斷反呢個反果個,簡直係遊行當食飯呢!!
      最後,請問呢位仁兄口中的「正常途徑」是什麼呢? 如果仁兄真的有什麼高見而非肺UP的話!!

      但經歷甘多年,飯民主派,攻民黨為香港做左甘多好事! 邊個係人,邊個係鬼,大家肯用平常心分析一下,只需看清事實而不墮入害港集團的傳銷式洗腦口號當中,相信正常香港市民都會找出答案來! 如果有人仍然要沉醉係口號及夢囈當中,堅持如攻民黨一而再再而三利用私法覆核破壞香港都係「為公義發聲」的話.呢類腦殘,的確是無藥可救!

  18. ChuChu says:

    支持你地, 你地每次的活動我都有參加!我們以和平遊行表達我們的不滿, 讓全港更多市知道”工民袋”如何用佢地的專業知識出賣香港人, 今基層香港人生活更困苦!!!

  19. Frank says:


  20. richevon says:


  21. 香港老牛 says:


  22. 香港人 says:

    本人正係外國留學 無法參與 但精神上支持你地呀! 踢走班政棍!!!

  23. yiu says:


  24. 香港人 says:


  25. Harvey Pong says:

    提起公民黨令人氣憤 , 彼等識法卻去破壞法侓 , 用心歹毒 , 為私利 , 專與廣大民眾為敵人 .

  26. hui vincent says:


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